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*Meanwhile, in the garden of Baral*

Baral Soldier: Lord Hou, the Steel Dragons have made their way through the Gate of Baral. They will be arriving here any minute.

Hou: I see… (So they were able to go through Son Ganglong, Kanan, and even my master…. For them to reach the God of Baral… this must be fate. But they cannot stop the Mass Transcendence Project. The promised land, Shangri-La, the long awaited and prayed for heaven for worldly people, ached for since times immemorial… it has almost arrived.) …How is Lady Irui?

Baral: She has been purified and placed in the arms of God.

Hou: With this… our duties are almost over. You’ve done very well. I will liberate your souls. Rin.

Baral: …..

*Death sounds*

Hou: …. Sleep well, in the arms our God. …. (Master…. The final mission you gave me…. The battle between humans and the God who leads them to paradise…. The end of this sealing war….)


???: Seal it….

???: …. Seal this final heaven…. This paradise where those who escape calamity on this earth can retreat to…. We cannot let it be lost…. …. Those who live here… are protected by Gan Eden…. Those who would protect this paradise… are given Gan Eden’s power… Those who protect our paradise… The sword I chose, the Steel Dragons…. They will come to me….

Final Chapter: Sealing War

Eita: Captain, we’ve entered into the airspace of the Garden of Baral.

Tetsuya: What’s the status on the Gate?

Eita: It shut after we passed through. There’s a barrier around 20 km in diameter originating from the center of the Garden of Baral.

Tetsuya: So there’s no running from this fight. Is there anything causing the barrier to grow or change?

Eita: Not that we see.

Tetsuya:  Keep all units on alert. This is the enemy’s home base. We don’t know what’s going to happen.

Azuki: But it’s so quiet….

Eita: It’s the calm before the storm. That’s what they say, right?


Eita: There’s Custodes coming out from the Garden of Baral!

*Oh myyyyy*

Lefina: All units, get ready to sortie!


Irm: Looks like this is the end.

Mio: With these three guardians and the tower, now we just need a storm to brew to make this perfect, eh, Ranshao?[1]

Ranshao: Why are you asking me?

Yang Long: This isn’t the time for pointless references, Mio. The enemy is fighting to protect their god, so we can’t go into this with anything less than 100%.

Saphine: I’m excited. I can’t wait to see what will come out.

Monika: Is it really the time to be talking about that kind of thing?

Lamia: It is not that-kind-of-thing-talking-time at all.[2]

Excellen: Don’t get caught in a loop, Lamia.

Lamia: Guh.

Yang Long: …

Irm: Don’t be too grumpy about it. We’re serious about this, even if we’re not tense enough to shut up.

Arado: …Is Irui… in there?

Ibis: Irui was taken by Ganglong’s gang and possessed by Gan Eden…. She would never do something like seal away the earth…!

Tsugumi: Ibis…

Raul:  It doesn’t… look like they’re coming after us.

Fiona: With just their numbers, they probably don’t think they can win by chasing after us.

Raul: Maybe….

Gilliam: Major Kai.

Kai: Yeah, we should keep an eye on the situation. All units, Be on your guard.

Kyosuke: Roger.

Katina: Also, I don’t see any of the Yokijin. Did we get rid of all them back there?

Rishu: What do you think, Kukuru?

Kukuru: I don’t know…. But Thaihou’s pupil, Hou, is still in the Garden of Baral.

Ratsel: What about those automatons?

Kukuru: Once, they were stone statues enshrined in the Temple of Baral. They awoke alongside their master. Just like the 3 servants, even Son Ganglong could not give them orders.

Viletta: In other words, they’re soldiers under the direct control of Gan Eden.

Sanger: Kukuru. Have you ever seen Gan Eden?

Kukuru: No. The only people allowed into the inner sanctum were Ganglong, and probably….

Sanger: …Irui.

Ibis: How was she when she was taken to the Garden of Baral?

Kukuru: …I never saw her at the Garden.

Ibis: O-oh….

Aya: Ryu, Mai…

Ryuusei: Yeah, I feel it too. A serious psychic force….

Mai: But this feeling…. It’s kind.

Leona: It doesn’t want to fight…. It’s enveloping this area.

Rio: But if we’re not careful, we’ll be swallowed up by it….

Ing: …

Ryoto: (Who is this… It feels like….)

Ryuusei: (Maybe it’s…. No, that’s impossible.)

Mai: (This sensation… why is it nostalgic…?)

Ing: (N-not me… It’s swallowing me…?!)


Eita: There’s a huge energy reaction from the tower!

Tetsuya: They’re beginning to move! All hands, prepare to attack!


???: ….

Azuki: C-captain! On the monitor, there’s!

Eita: S-same here!

Tetsuya: Are we being hacked?!

???: Welcome… to the promised land, Baral….

Ibis: !!

Tsugumi: H-her voice?!

Seolla: It’s Irui!

Latooni: But she’s…

Presia: She’s all grown up!

Ibis; Irui… Is that really you?!

Irui: That’s right, Ibis… This is… my true form.

Ibis: …

Irui: Everyone…. I’ve been waiting for you… The earth has been sealed through my power… And you, who I have chosen… Let us protect this last bastion together with Gan Eden….

Tsugumi: Chosen… Then you decided to contact us of your own volition?

Irui: That’s right. I was told by Gan Eden to find people with strong hearts and minds, to search for those who would protect this earth.

Lefina: And thus you chose us…?

Irui: That’s right…. And then I watched over you, seeing if you could become the sword I needed.

Sean: That’s why you didn’t want to leave the ship.

Ibis: That’s….

Ratsel: …What exactly is Gan Eden? Where did you come from?

Irui: We were created… from the wills of people long past…. Gan Eden is a god created by man…. And Baral is her throne.

Kai: A god… created by man?!

Josh: People long past… do you mean the same ones who built the Fabula Fores?!

Irui: Long ago… To escape from a calamity wrought from beyond the stars…. They created Gan Eden….

Rim: Beyond the stars…. A calamity…. Do you mean the Ruina?

Rahda: Or was it the Evil Oligarchs that Ganglong was talking about?

Irui: Long ago, when those who lived were in danger of falling to evil gods and ruinous lords…. Gan Eden offered them escape from the calamity… She was called on to act as the protector for this last bastion of life, this Earth….

Mekibos: The last bastion…. This planet. Meaning Gan Eden and the Garden of Baral weren’t created on Earth.

Katina: Then where are they from? Are they from your planet?

Mekibos: Don’t kid yourself. If we had something like that, we would’ve already conquered the entire galaxy.

Viletta: …

Irui: Earth has always been a place where many forces gather and intervene…. Often, the planet would be in peril, and violent fighting would break out…. The planet itself realized this… That power breeds disaster, and allows it to spread…. I’m sure you’ve realized it too….

Ibis: No, Irui! We’re….

Irui: If, in battle, your strength was exhausted…. If something more powerful than you appeared… Then it would mean the death of this paradise.

Touma: We would never allow that!

Bullet: No matter how strong the enemy, we’d never stop fighting to protect this world!

Irui: Is that so…?

Touma: Huh?!

Irui: Your lives are finite. Even though you can protect the world right now…. In the future, in the distant years to come, it will be impossible for you to do so.

Rishu: Certainly, our lives are short. However, we pass on our will and beliefs to those who succeed us. Even if I were to fall, there are those who would take up my mantle and continue on in my stead.

Irui: … I understand that… I and Gan Eden…. We were made to continue the legacy of a man named Augustus

Kouta: August…. What now?

Shu: Augustus… The name of the first emperor of Rome.

Kouta: So he’s the one behind all this?

Irui: No…

Kouta: What?!

Shu: It’s probably someone with the same name, who lived in a different time.

Irui: Yes. He had many names… but he was the first human with psychic powers.

Bullet: !!

Irui: Long ago, there were people who used Gan Eden to imprint psychic powers into their DNA…. And in return, Gan Eden and the 3 holy servants gave them the charge of protecting this earth…. But time flows onward… As generations changed, the lineage grew thinner and thinner…. But sometimes, there is a revival…. And people with these psychic powers appear.

Ryoto: That’s…

Kusuha: People like us….

Aya: Psychics…?

Irui: Yes… and I, as well.

Ibis: !!

Ariel: That means that she wasn’t created by Gan Eden….

Ibis: She’s a human!

Seolla: Then, Irui was possessed by Gan Eden…!

Irui: No, that’s not correct. I am with Gan Eden of my own accord.

Sanger: ….!

Touma: What do you mean by that?!

Ibis: Why… Why?!

Irui: I have always watched you fight…. You always fought to protect this planet, to protect everyone living here… Without fearing your own death, risking your life…. You continued to fight…

Sanger: Of course. That’s our duty. We fight for those who cannot fight for themselves, regardless of the risk.

Kusuha: I don’t want to be protected, I want the power to protect others… and…

Bullet: We were chosen by the Mechanoids to protect this earth… Kusuha and I accepted that responsibility.

Ibis: I… I wanted to let you see the sea of stars… To show you a world without strife or wars…. I fought for peace because of you… and because of everyone else….

Arado: We protect what should be protected….

Seolla: That includes you, Irui.

Irui: I knew you would say that…. But that will… That human will of yours will bring yet more calamity to this earth.

Kusuha: I-Irui…?!

Irui: So… I will seal this world.


Zash: W-what was that light?!

Tetsuya: What?!

Eita: The energy signal is curling! It’s going through the barrier…. And heading straight for Heaven’s Gate!

Tetsuya: !!

Eita: Th-there’s a huge explosion!

Mekibos: I-is it my country’s ships?!

Eita: With an explosion of that size, Heaven’s Gate would be completely…

Tetsuya: Impossible!


Lune: She’s shooting again?!

Lefina: Wh-where is it headed this time?!

Eun: It’s… It’s the moon!

Sean: Where on the moon!?

Lefina: Give me the calculations!

*And again*

Rio: Again!

Ibis: What… What are you doing, Irui?!

Eita: Directly overhead! There’s another huge explosion!

Tetsuya: What was she aiming at?!

Eita: M-most likely, the combined space fleet ships…!!

Tetsuya: …!!

Eun: Analysis complete! The second shot landed on the moon, near the moon cradle!

Sean: Wh-what?!

Lefina: She’s not shooting at the earth… why is she going after space?!

Bullet: S-stop it, Irui! If you’re supposed to protect the earth, why are you attacking the moon and our fleets?! There are no enemies from beyond the earth out there! What are you doing?!

Irui: What I’m supposed to be doing….

Sleigh: Supposed to be doing?!

Irui: That’s right…. Gan Eden protects the Earth. Protecting the earth means…. The people living on earth.

Bullet: Wh-wha…!!

Ryuusei: What?!

Rio: The people living on earth, meaning…

Irui: That’s right... Gan Eden destroys all those who do not live on Earth.

Yang Long: Th-that’s what you meant by sealing?!

Irui: After the barrier encompasses the world, then all those who live outside the earth must be purged…. No one may enter, and no one may leave…. That is what it means for this earth to be the last bastion, the place protected by Gan Eden.

Lune: Wh-what about the wars that break out on the earth!?

Rai: To prevent that… The Mass Transcendence Project!

Irui: Correct. Those who successful transcend will live in harmony with the earth…. Without any worries from outside forces…. Fighting will not spread out from the earth to space…. And under the protection of Gan Eden, this paradise will exist for eternity.

Rai: But that means killing everyone who lives in space!

Irui: Those who have left their home planet are no longer earthlings.

Ibis: Th-that’s…!!

Irui: Ibis, the sea of stars you wished for… it is against the will of Gan Eden. If you wish to follow that dream…. If you wish to fly away from your mother earth…. Then it is a shame, but I will have to erase you as well.

Ibis: N-no… That’s a lie, Irui…. My… My dream…?

Lefina: All units! Attack the Garden of Baral!

Ibis: Captain Lefina!

Lefina: If we do not stop Gan Eden, everyone on the moon and in the colonies will be killed! We cannot let that happen!

Ibis: B… but….

Irui: If you will not protect the earth with me…. Then you too will be erased.

Ibis: I-Irui! Wait, Irui!

Kai: Ibis!

Ibis: ?!

Kai: Listen. We cannot weigh the life of one girl against the lives of everyone who lives in space.

Ibis: ….

Kai: In the worst of times, the only paths we can choose are trying ones. But we can’t leave that choice up to people who can’t move forward.[3]

Ibis: Huh?

Kai: Don’t look down. Keep your head held high. The answer to this problem is right in front of you. You’ll only find it in your targeting reticule. 

Ibis: …

Kusuha: …Let’s go, Ibis.

Ibis: Kusuha…

Kusuha: I know… I now know why RyuKoOu went against Gan Eden. That’s not a protective goddess of the earth…. That’s not a protector of humans. RyuKoOu and KoRyuOu figured that out. I…. I agree with them.

Ibis: But… Irui…

Kusuha: If that really is how Irui sees it, why isn’t she still talking? It’s still possible that Gan Eden is just possessing her.

Ibis: !

Touma: That’s right….! I can’t think that she’s doing this of her own will!

Seolla: I was like that once, too…. I believed what I had been indoctrinated to believe….

Arado: The Irui who traveled with us, and the Irui in front of us…. Which can we believe? Which can we believe in?

Kusuha: Ibis… We’ll take her from Gan Eden and hear what she really thinks.

Ibis: ….! Okay…. I’ll believe in her. No matter what she says… I’ll believe in the Irui that traveled with us!

Mekibos: It’s nice that you got fired up, but is there any way we can actually make direct contact with her?

Gilliam: It’s likely that she can’t fire off the attacks she was using earlier all the time. If she had full control of it, we would have been destroyed by now.

Mekibos: But you think she’s going to try to aim it at us next?

Tasuku: That means it’s our turn to move, then. Looks like we’re back to making huge gambles.

Kyosuke: And she hasn’t played her trump card yet. The strongest card, the card called Gan Eden.

Excellen: Wait wait wait, are you saying you want to see that card?

Kyosuke: Whether we see it or not, it doesn’t change what we have to do.

Bullet: And if we don’t pull Gan Eden out of hiding, we won’t have any way of getting Irui back.

Shu: (Why isn’t she showing herself yet… I think the reason is….)

Kai: Erebus 1 to all units! Listen! Fight her with everything you got! Show her we’re her biggest threat! If we can do that, then she’ll focus her fire on us!

Axel: I see, so that’s how you’re going to stop her from firing at other targets.

Excellen: Like the boss would say, we shall be as shields, and that shall be our sword.

Kai: That’s right! Defeat the Custodes and work towards the Garden of Baral! Show me your best effort!

Final Chapter: Sealing Wars

Victory: Defeat all enemies

Defeat: An allied mothership is shot down

SR point: None

*Blow up bunches or after 5 turns*

Irui: This is the last time I’ll tell you…. Steel Dragons…. Sheathe your swords and leave this problem to Gan Eden.

Lefina: You have already heard our response to that.

Irui: …I understand. Then I must use my power…. Through defeat, you will learn just how powerless you really are….


Bullet: Th-thats?!

Kusuha: Gan Eden….?!

Ing: …!

Despinis: A god created by man….

Ibis: I-Irui’s in there!

Irui: Now, choose…. Will you take your place in the arms of Gan Eden, or be erased from existence?

Kusuha: …

Ibis: Irui…. We won’t do either.

Irui: So you want to make me erase you…?

Ibis: …

Irui: You said you wanted to be with me… did you forget our promise?

Ibis: I didn’t forget… how could I forget that?!

Irui: Then what are you saying?

Ibis: The answer’s obvious… I’m going to make good on my promise, Irui.

Irui: Ibis…

Ibis: But I didn’t make a promise with you!

Irui: …!

Ibis: I’ll get our kind-hearted Irui back! I will!

Irui: It’s impossible… this is… My will…

Ibis: It’s not impossible! I’ll show you! I swear I’ll show you!


Irui: Aaaah!

Tsugumi: Huh?!

Irui: U-ugh….

Irui: (…A charm…. To make sure your dream comes true…. Your dream of flying through the stars…)

Ibis: !!

Irui: Guh! Uugghh!

Irui: (…That’s why the god of dragons would give Kusuha power…...)

Kusuha: Irui?!

Irui: S-so she was still there!

Irui: (Everyone… Remember…. Remember to have hope….)

Josh: That’s what…!

Irui: (You are the sword that protects the Earth…. Keep that close to your hearts… Be strong, and do not waver…)

Irui: S-silence! Disappear! Irui!

Ibis: Th-that was just….

Arado: I-I heard it too!

Shine: It’s just like when we were fighting against Perfectio!

Rim: So she’s still in there somewhere?!

Shu: As I thought. The reason Gan Eden didn’t show herself immediately was because she hadn’t fully synchronized with Irui.

Rishu: If even the priestess is refusing the orders of her God….

Kusuha: Then that’s not the real Irui…!

Arado: So if we can get her out of Gan Eden, then we can return her to normal?!

Shouko: That’s right! We can still save Irui!

Ratsel: If Gan Eden really is a god made by human hands, then she can be destroyed by them, too.

Kouta: I don’t care if it’s Gan Eden or Gone Fishing, I just know we gotta kick its ass![4] 

Sanger: False God, Gan Eden! Today, my sword shall fell you from this world!


Irui: N-no… How dare you call me a false god…. I, who had slumbered for so long… I, who protects paradise… a false god…?!

Yang Long: But you are not a real god. Those who follow the heavens live, and those who go against the heavens perish…. That goes for you, too!

Irui: Then I shall levy divine punishment upon you.

Ariel: …Is her personality a bit different now? Is she separating from Irui?

Rim: It seems like she can’t live like Chris and I did.

Rahda: It’s most likely caused by external factors.

Ariel: You mean, us…?

Rahda: Yes.

Shu: …We don’t know by what means she plans to carry out her Mass Transcendence Project…. But we can assume that Gan Eden has the capabilities to store multiple peoples’ minds inside of her. In that case, we can think of Irui as Gan Eden’s conduit…. A way for her to communicate with us. But because Irui had doubts about the plan, when she was utilized as a conduit, she used her powers to transmit the information to all of our brains, not just the psychics among us.

Masaki: So what you’re saying is…. She’s trying to overload the system by broadcasting on all frequencies?

Shu: …You could think of it like that. Regardless, our being here is causing a disruption between Gan Eden and Irui.

Arado: I see, so that’s why she was talking to Ibis earlier…

Rahda: Irui probably hasn’t figured out where she ends and Gan Eden begins. To help her, we need both sides of her to have a strong emotional response at the same time.

Arado: Okay!

Ibis: Let’s do this, Gan Eden! I… I WILL get Irui back!

Victory: Defeat Gan Eden.

*Ibis V Gan Eden*

Irui: I am the protector of Earth… My enemies are those who would destroy this paradise…. My duty….

Ibis: Irui! You don’t have to have any one else decide your duty for you!

Irui: That can’t be…. Gan Eden is the hope of the ancient peoples…. Their final legacy…. To protect this paradise, all of their sacrifices and wishes were collected into this god…. Are you telling me to ignore them?

Ibis: Quiet, Gan Eden! Don’t use Irui’s mouth for your words! Hopes, Dreams, and anything else that humans keep in their hearts aren’t there for gods to meddle with! To save Irui, humanity, and my own dreams, I’ll cut away these chains you’ve thrown on us!

*Arado V Gan Eden*

Arado: Irui! You should be protecting more than just the Earth!

Irui: Yes… Those people whose souls advance into the new era will be under my protection, as well.

Arado: And then all the other humans on earth have to die?! That’s not right! I’ll stop you, Irui! Then, I’ll save you!

*Seolla V Gan Eden*

Seolla: Irui, We’re here with you! We’re coming to save you!

Irui: Seolla, I don’t need to be saved…. This is where I want to be.

Seolla: I thought that once… When I fought against Arado, I thought I was doing my duty…. But because he tried so many times to save me, I was able to break free from that curse! So I’m not going to give up on you, Irui! I will save you!

*Kusuha V Gan Eden*

Irui: So you will strike against your master again, RyuKoOu… You have forgotten your duty…

Kusuha: RyuKoOu left you because that duty was unjust!

Irui: Kusuha… Are you going to leave me, too? Even though I protect the Earth?

Kusuha: You are not Irui! And you’re certainly not the one protecting the Earth!

*Bullet V Gan Eden*

Irui: KoRyuOu…. You have returned to me, but you still refuse to listen… Why have you abandoned your duty as a protector of this realm? Why do you turn your blade against me?

Bullet: It’s obvious! You twisted KoRyuOu’s will, and gave him a misguided duty! Just like you’re doing to Irui! KoRyuOh and I will save her!

*Sanger V Gan Eden*

Sanger: Gan Eden! Mankind ill needs a god such as yourself!

Irui: Sanger… I know full well how strong your will is… But what will you do when there are enemies you cannot cut down? That is why I…

Sanger: I am the sword that cleaves evil! Neither machines nor false gods that lead hearts astray will stay my blade!

*Blow her up a bit more*

Irui: Guh… Uh….


Irui: Aaaaaahh!

Bullet: Irui!

Irui: I… I am Irui… Lord… of Baral…!

Mai: Her senses are wavering!

Irui: S…. Save me….!

Ibis: !!

Irui: Ma…Mashiach…. Gan Eden’s…. priestess…!

Irui: I… it hurts…… It hurts!

Irui: The protector… of the Earth…

Sleigh: W-what is this?!

Irui: A-aah….. I… I’m… breaking….!

Irui: I’m breaking… into two….


Gan Eden: I am the protector of this Earth…. The artificial God Gan Eden….

Irui: ….

Gan: Your power exists for my sake. My power exists for your sake. Everything is to protect our final paradise… No one shall tread upon it… and no one shall leave its walls…... It is sealed…. The promised land is sealed…. This land is a paradise for those who fled from the calamity of the stars…. It must not be lost….

Irui: Yes…. The promised land… is sealed….

Seolla: Irui!

Irui: ….

Gan Eden: To the myriad blades….

Glacies: This voice…. It’s like Irui’s, but deeper….

Ariel: That’s Gan Eden…!

Ing: Ugh…. Guh!

Ariel: Ing?!

Ing: M… My head…!

Mai: U-uggghhh!

Aya: Owwwww!

Ryuusei: I-is this Gan Eden’s mind?!

Ryoto: I-It’s unlike anything I’ve felt before!

Leona: So aggressive…!!

Gan Eden: Myriad Swords… You will be sealed for eternity… just like this planet….

Irui: And the final paradise will persist forever in peace….

Ibis: Irui!

Arado: You can’t, Irui! Don’t listen to her!

Tsugumi: Did they finally become fully synchronized?!

Gilliam: No, it’s possible the exact opposite happened. This could be due to a fault in Gan Eden’s components.

Sanger: Then we simply must press harder!

Ibis: We can’t give up, we’ve come so far! We will NEVER give up! I WILL defeat Gan Eden, and I WILL save Irui!

*Back to it, then*

*Blow her up even MORE*

Aqua: G-Gan Eden….!

Irui: Everyone… Thank you….

Ibis: Irui! Are you back to normal?!

Irui: No… Not yet…. Gan Eden is erasing me from inside of her…...

Bullet: !!

Irui: I heard everything you said… I wanted to go back to you all… That’s why she’s erasing me….

Ibis: Wha-?!

Gilliam: So Gan Eden is trying to get cut out her problematic components by erasing Irui…?

Irui: Everyone… please listen to my last request…

Kusuha: L-last?!

Irui: Defeat… Defeat Gan Eden…. Quickly… Kill… me…

Shouko: We… We can’t do something like that!

Irui: Please… quickly… if you do it now, there’s still time… You can… defeat her…. Quickly….

Ibis: Is that really what you’re going to say to us!? Irui!

Irui: Please… I’m begging you….


Kusuha: Irui!!

Kyosuke: Kusuha, we have to do it, regardless of why. She’s almost ready to fire.

Kusuha: B-but then Irui…!

Kyosuke: I told you, we have to do it. If Gan Eden is cutting Irui off, then now’s the time to move. It’s just a matter of timing.

Excellen: That’s right. Aren’t things flowing in our favor right now? It doesn’t seem like she’ll be able to erase Irui quickly.

Kyosuke: Bullet, Kusuha…. As members of the ATX team, I expect you to win this bet.

Bullet: …!

Kusuha: U-understood!

Gan Eden: Swords, kneel before your god… You have been exiled from Paradise. Sleep for eternity in the world of endless darkness….

Josh: Sorry, but we’ve had enough of the world of darkness already.

Rim: And we’ve already moved on!

Ryuusei: Gan Eden, if you really are the progenitor of Psychics…. If you’re the roots of our power…. Why aren’t you controlling our powers completely?!

Gan Eden: Those who foolishly turn against their ancestors should be destroyed….

Ryoto: So it’s not that she isn’t, it’s that she can’t! Is it because Irui, her conduit, isn’t cooperating…?

Aqua: She’s still fighting…!

Kai: We have to take this chance while we can! All units, show me your best!

Sanger: In our darkest hour, fate has opened a door for us… Whether it leads to the dawn, or to endless darkness… We shall discover that through our own will!

Touma: We’ll do it… We can do it! My fists will lead us to victory!

Ibis: Irui, I’m going to fly! I’m going to rise above Gan Eden… And I’ll get to you! And then we’ll go to that sea of stars… far across the galaxy!


Gan Eden: Ooooooh… Oooooooooh… Oooooooooh…


Gan Eden: Ooooooooooooooh……

Eita: Captain! The barrier surrounding the Garden of Baral has disappeared!

Tetsuya: !!

*more explosions*

Ibis: Now! Irui!

Kusuha: We can save Irui!

Irui: …Thank you… but you can’t….

Ibis: ?!

Irui: If you take me away from Gan Eden now… all of the collected mental energy inside of her will be released in one moment… It will destroy everything on earth and surrounding it….

Kusuha: N-no!

Irui: But… with the last of my power, I can stop Gan Eden’s energy…. We’ll… go to sleep… together…

Ibis: B-but then… Then… What have we been doing all this for…?!

Sleigh: Was everything we did for nothing?!

Irui: No… You saved this planet from the curse of this artificial god…

Ibis: Irui…!

Irui: Don’t be sad…I must suffer the consequences of Gan Eden’s sins… And I must leave this earth to you.

Arado: Irui….

Irui: I’m… I’m so glad I met you all…

Kusuha: W-we’re glad too…!

Ibis: Yeah, we really are!

Irui: Thank you…. You taught me about the human heart…. About protecting what’s important…. About courage… and about love. But…. I still have to fulfill my final duty….

Sanger: Your duty…. To protect the Earth with your life….!

Irui: Yes… Just as you have always done… This beautiful planet… Will once more… be the land of beginnings…...

*oh nooooooes*

Ryuusei: W-where’s Gan Eden?!

Eun: No response on the radar! There’s no Garden or barrier!

Lefina: Then… We….

Ibis: N-no…… Irui….!

Kusuha: Irui!

Arado: D-damn it….

Sanger: ….


Kukuru: Guhhh!

Sanger: Kukuru?!

Kukuru: Hah… *chuckles*…. Without the grace of the God of Baral…. I suppose I too must perish….

Sanger: You’re…!

Kukuru: …That’s fine… That’s fine with me…. I can meet them again…. In the arms of our god…. I’ve sinned so many times…. So this is….

Rishu: Kukuru….

Kukuru: But…. Father, and Mother….

Sanger: …You fought alongside us and saved this world. Your sins have been redeemed. So…

Kukuru: *chuckles*… I will… Take those words with me gladly….


Kukuru: Thank… you…. Sanger….


Sanger: !!

Rishu: …

Sanger: …Kukuru….

Shu: …So she was released from the curse of her god….

Masaki: Shu….

Shu: This marks the end of this little engagement. I can leave the rest of this to you all.

Masaki: Where will you…. What will you do after this?

Shu: I suppose you’re asking so that you know where to fight me next?

Masaki: …. Yeah. We still have a score to settle.

Shu: You have nothing to worry about anymore. I’ve already broken free from Volkruss’s control.

Masaki: What…?! What do you mean, how?!

Shu: I don’t need to tell you that.

Yang Long: …. You’re asking us to believe that?

Monika: Yang Long, what he’s saying is the truth. I was there when it happened.

Yang Long: Is that so, Your Grace…?

Monika: Yes.

Yang Long: Then….

Saphine: I was there too. He really isn’t lying.

Yang Long: You’re not exactly the most trustworthy source for this.

Saphine: Hey! What’s with that?! Why are you only nice to her?!

Masaki: …Get out of here, Shu. Just leave. But if you do anything funny, I’m not going to let it slide.

Shu: Heh… I guess I’ll remember that.

Tytti: Lady Monika, are you going with Shu…?

Monika: Yes, that’s what I wish to do.

Shu: …Farewell.

Monika: I wish you the best, everyone.

Saphine: See you again! …At least, I hope so.


Masaki: …

Lune: …Are you okay with that, Masaki?

Masaki: I guess. Without him, we wouldn’t have been able to finish the fight up here on the surface.

Mio: Yeah… that’s true. He really did save our hides.

Masaki: And besides, after the fight we just had… Honestly, I’m tired.

Kuro: Seriously.

Lefina: XO, call in all our fireteams.

Sean: Roger that.


Jacob: Excellent work. You have saved the earth once again. We’re investigating Grand Christmas and building a case against Alteur, showing that he planned the assassination of President Grusman. I don’t think it will take much time to clear your names.

Lefina: Then, our ranks….

Jacob: Yes, you’ll soon be reinstated into the military.

Tetsuya: But even if we were set up, it’s still a fact that our actions caused the president to die….

Jacob: We’ll take care of everything. We’re not going to treat the people who saved the world poorly. By the way… is Mekibos Bulverde with you?

Mekibos: Ah yes, I have some business with you, as well. The Zovorg council has decided, instead of negotiating a treaty, to simply agree to non-involvement in the earth sphere.

Jacob: So even though they got us involved in this mess…. They’re going with the “out of sight, out of mind” attitude. But what about the Council’s opinion that earthlings are dangerous?

Mekibos: They thought that before… but after watching you fight up till this point, they’ve changed their minds. But if we tried to return with a peace treaty, there’d be trouble brewing. The bigwigs back home are having problems, too.

Jacob: So everyone needs a bit of time to cool off?

Mekibos: That’s basically it.  And we’ve already called back all of our forces.

Lefina: Huh…?

Mekibos: Rof informed me earlier that they’ve all been ordered to come home. They’ve already warped and goodbye to Earth. Sorry for not telling you sooner, but I didn’t want you to worry about it.

Jacob: So you’re all that’s left.

Mekibos: Yes…. So now, instead of Nibhal, you’ll have a direct pipeline to the Council.

Jacob: I see… so you were “Grey”

Mekibos: Yup. I hope you’ll treat me fairly.

Jacob: …We’ll look into it.

Lefina: Lt. General, where should we go next?

Jacob: Head for Mizutori Island off the coast of Japan, and remain on standby. We’ll send you the JCS’s verdict when it’s ready. As for getting the non-military personnel home, just leave that to my people.

Lefina: Understood.

*Back in Japan*

Michiru: Things are moving fast… It’s already been a month since we fought that Gan Eden thing…. We lived to pass under this gate another day.

Shoko: Michiru, it’s only been a week.

Kouta: More importantly, why is he still here?

Shoko: Because he has to be. Everyone who was involved in that fight has to stay on standby until further notice.

Kouta: So couldn’t someone just watch over this guy and send him back to Osaka?

Shoko: They said that wouldn’t work. We’re on specially designated home leave, right? I mean, we could be stuck on that island with everyone else.

Kouta: Fine, fine…

Michiru: Well, I was born in Tokyo. It’s not like I’m a stranger here.

Kouta: What? Really?

Michiru: Fuck yeah. I moved to Osaka when I was like, 10.

Shouko: I see…

Michiru: I’m just happy to be with you, Shouko.

Kouta: Hey…. If you try anything funny with Shouko, I’ll rip you a new one with the Over Kaiser Sword.

Michiru: That puny thing couldn’t scratch the G Bankaran!

Shouko: Don’t joke about grandpa’s robots getting in a fight! If you two don’t play nice, I’m not going to make you dinner!

Kouta: Agh!

Michiru: I-I’m sorry, Shouko.

Kouta; Dammit… This is all your fault, ‘cause you wanted to go around conquering Japan!

Michiru: Still planning on finishing that. Wanna tag along? Conquer some high schools?

Kouta: Huh?

Michiru: We could definitely pull it off, me and you. You’d be like my kid brother…

Kouta: Who’d want to be related to you? And I don’t have any drive to conquer high schools.

Michiru: Why?

Kouta: The only people I want to fight are the ones who would threaten this town… and this Earth. And if they ever show up again, I’m gonna fight then… as Fighter Roar, in the G-Compatible Kaiser.

*elsewhere, on that island*

Masaki: Since I got my leave approved, I’m headed back to La Gias. I also talked to Granny Ybun.

Ryuusei: I see… It’ll be quieter around here with you gone.

Lune: If you need anything, contact us on with the Ether. We’ll come as soon as we can.

Aya: But you still have things you need to do down there, right?

Tytti: That’s right…

Yang Long: We still have our duties as Elemental Lord Pilots.

Mio: I wanted to goof off a bit more on the surface… but I’m worried about La Gias, too.

Katina: Stay strong out there, everyone.

Tasuku: Guess that means Zash is leaving, too.

Zash: Huh? Y-yeah…

Presia: Thanks for everything.

Russel: Um… Can you tell Gennacy I said hello?

Mio: Huh? Who’s that?

Masaki: The pilot of the Jaohm. You met him.

Mio: Oh right, him.

Masaki: And when did the two of you become friends, anyway, Russel?

Tasuku: They apparently talked a lot in La Gias, although no one noticed either of them doing it.

Azuki: Kuro, Shiro…. If we meet again, can I squeeze your paw pads?

Shiro: Sure!

Kuro: Be safe, Azuki.

Ryuusei: Now, when did THEY become friends?

Eita: That was in La Gias as well. Azuki really likes cats.

Tytti: …Masaki, it’s time.

Masaki: Okay.

Mio: See ya!

Mai: Yeah…

Lune: Once everything is settled down in La Gias, we should hang out some more.

Yang Long: Lune… You’re not an Elemental Lord Pilot, but you still have duties…

Lune: I know, I know, you don’t have to give a lecture.

Ryuusei: Masaki… I’ll be praying for peace not just in Langran, but in all of La Gias.

Masaki: Yeah… Take care of the surface for me while I’m gone. See ya!


Ratsel: We’ve loaded everything into the Kurogane. First, we’re heading back to Iti Iti Island.

Rai: Got it, brother.

Leona: But I’m surprised the Kurogane was allowed to leave.

Ratsel: I’ve heard that Kenneth Garret was disgraced, and General Laker Randolph has been made the commander of the Izu base.

Rai: Ah, so that’s why…

Rishu: Then that means the rest of us should be able to leave soon, too.

Fiona: Rishu, we’re going to go with the Kurogane, then we’ll meet up with Ibis and Tsugumi, then we’re going back to the Tesla Labs…. Would you like to come with?

Rishu: No, I’m going to visit my family’s old burial sites… I should report about the end of the battle with the Baral to my ancestors.

Bullet: Sensei, we’re going to have KoOuKi and RyuOuKi sent back to Tesla Labs.

Rishu: Hmm? Are they still sleeping?

Kusuha: Yeah… We’re thinking it’s best to put them back in the Mechanoid Cage and let them rest.

Bullet: And until we’re given the order to stand down, we can’t leave this island….

Rishu: Well, you should take this opportunity to rest, too. Things are bound to get hectic again soon enough.

Kusuha: Yeah… and I still have a few things I want to do.

Rishu: What’s that?

Kusuha: I was talking with Ibis and Arado, and we’re thinking about searching for Irui…

Leona: But, she’s…

Bullet: I want to believe that she’s alive somewhere…

Kusuha: So we’re going to look for Irui while we have a chance to…

Carla: In that case, I’ll come with you. Is that okay, Major Sanger?

Sanger: I don’t mind.

Carla: And I don’t know how much he can help, but I’ll tell Ruslan about it, too.

Despinis: Um…. I want to help too…

Fiona: That’s a good idea. If there’s anything we can do to help, give us a call.

Bullet: Thanks.

Raul: What are you gonna do now, Touma? It’d be a big help if you continued to work for our company…

Touma: I’m sorry, but there’s something else I’m thinking about. …Ratsel, what’s going to happen to RaiOu?

Ratsel: Given its origins, we’re thinking of keeping it in our custody. Minaki has agreed to that.

Minaki: Yes… I’m going to Iti Iti Island with them.

Touma: Then… I want to come too. I want to train more with RaiOu. I want RaiOu to really be a Guardian…. A protector of the earth…

Minaki: Touma…

Sanger: But if you come with us, you won’t be able to return to your normal life.

Touma: I… I made up my mind the day I first boarded RaiOu. And RaiOu and I are still walking this path together. All I can do now is keep moving forward.

Sanger: What do you think, Ratsel?

Ratsel: Sounds like he’s made up his mind… Any objections, Minaki?

Minaki: No… I want Touma to continue working with RaiOu. What he said is what I hope for, too.

Touma: Minaki…

Ratsel: Then I’ll allow it.

Touma: Thank you! I’ll work hard at this!

Lamia: What are you planning on going to do, Captain Axel?[5]

Axel: I’m going to go look for Alfimi and Duvan. I don’t really want to stay with the Steel Dragons, but…

Ratsel: Then why not come with us? We’ll help you look for them.

Excellen: As soon as we’re allowed off the island, we’ll come help, too.

Axel: But…

Kyosuke: Axel, you’re not the only one who shares a destiny with her.

Axel: …Okay then.


Lamia: Major Kai, the Kurogane has left.

Kai: Indeed, I could see it from here.

Rahda: Josh and Rim have already gone back to Antarctica… Now we’re just waiting on the transport ship for Queen Shine to get here.

Shine: That’s right. Latooni, I’m going to take the Fairlion S with me.

Latooni: Okay.

Arado: Um, Major, when will they decide what to do with us?

Kai: We have to wait. It shouldn’t take that much longer.

Seolla: Will we be able to return to our old positions?

Arado: If we can’t, then we can’t search for Irui or Alfimi…

Kai: Don’t be impatient. We’ll get our chance.

Arado: Okay…


Hugo: I…I asked Major Kai if it was okay if I joined up with The Aggressors for now.

Aqua: That’s right…. We don’t really have any place else to go, huh.

Hugo: Well, you do, right? This would be a good chance for you to leave the military and go home. I’m sure your dad can arrange it for you if you ask.

Aqua: You’re joking, right? I’m your partner. I may be raising the average age here, but I’m also going to join The Aggressors.

Hugo: Aqua…

Aqua: Hey, don’t laugh at this, okay…? I… I want to be an instructor one day. Even though things with Erde turned out the way they did… Even though I have bad memories of it… She’s the reason I’m here where I am today…. I… I want to be a teacher one day.

Hugo: …I see.

Aqua: Besides, if you’re going to be in the TE Absorber, it’s better if I’m around, right?

Hugo: That’s true… And with this bucket-of-bolts body of mine, It’d be hard for me to meet a new partner. So I’ll count on your support.

Aqua: Hey, you actually said something cool for once.

Hugo: You think so?

Aqua: I do. I think this will keep on going great.

Hugo: Yeah… Me too.


Ryoto: We’re making a new team?

Irm: Yeah, We’ve been working together for a while, anyway…. We have the SRX Team, the ATX Team, the Octo Squad, so let’s make something like that.  I plan on submitting the application later.

Rio: Have you thought of a good name?

Irm: That’s what I’m thinking of now. I’m the leader, by the way. I don’t think I have to say this, but I’m the top rank in this group, after all. And I’m thinking Ing will be part of the team, too.

Ing: Huh?

Ryoto: That’s a good idea.

Ing: But, I’m…

Irm: There was no data on you in the Gaia Sabers, right?

Ing: That’s what I heard, but…

Irm: Then we’ll get Major Gilliam to work something out. Of course, that’s only if you want us to.

Ing: …

Rio: I’m for it.

Ryoto: Me too, Ing.

Ing: And we gotta think about the EX-Exbein, too. If we don’t have someone using it, Mao Industries is gonna get mad.

Ing: Is it… really okay… for me to be here?

Irm: Of course it is.

Rio: This is your home, right?

Ing: Thank you…. I’ll join in, then.

 *Elsewhere stillll*

Laker: It’s been awhile.

Lefina: Commander Laker… I’m very glad to be calling you Commander again.

Laker: Thanks to your efforts and Lt. General Jacob, I was able to return to work. You have my thanks.

Tetsuya: No, that’s…

Laker: You’ve been reinstated alongside me, too. You’re now free to leave Mizutori Island. We’re waiting for you back in Izu.

Lefina: Roger that.

Laker: As for your next mission… It seems like it may take a while before we assign it. Considering how effective you are at repelling outside threats, they’ll probably have you continue being an independent task force, but…You’ll be demoted, and you’ll have a new Task Force Commander and Overseer, and finally, new captains are likely to get sent to you by the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Lefina: …Considering our involvement in the death of president Glassman, it seems too light of a punishment….

Laker: The president… While we used different methods, we wanted the same thing: We wanted the safety of the Earth Sphere. To keep the Earth Sphere and the humans on Earth going, we need to work his share, too.

Tetsuya: Yes, sir….


Ariel: Is that true, Professor Wong?

Eric: Yup. I don’t know how successful it’ll be, but it’s definitely a start.

Ariel: How did you…

Eric: I got a few hints from the technology that Lamia’s body uses. The Shadow Mirror world was way ahead of ours in regards to this kind of thing. And the person who made Lamia was at the top of her field. Considering it from another angle, it means there’s something that we can do about your Hayflick Limit.

Kyosuke: In any case, you’re saying it’s possible to extend Ariel’s lifespan?

Eric: Well, basically….

Lamia: (Lemon’s skills can be used to give Ariel a future….)

Eric: I said it before, but it’s only a start. I don’t know if it’s possible yet.

Ariel: But at the very least, there’s hope…

Ariel: (Duvan… I have to meet you again… and when I do…)


Sleigh: (Brother…. I’m sorry it took me so long to come here… Please… rest in peace….)

Tsugumi: (Filio…. Your dream is getting closer and closer to reality. Hyper 77, the Hyperion…. And Sleigh, Ibis, and I are bringing Project TD to new heights…. Beyond the stars, to endless space…. Further and further….)

Ibis: (Filio, we’re going to fly…. To the sea of stars… through the galaxy…. Along with your dreams…)

Tsugumi: …Let’s get going.

Sleigh: Yeah.

Ibis: (Irui…. I won’t say goodbye. I believe… That we’ll meet again one day…. So I’ll wait here. On this planet that you loved and protected….)[6]


Clifford: This block of labs barely survived, but the rest of them are gone.

Josh: Yeah, Re-tech is…

Gilliam: I said it before, but the ruins are completely under the control of the Federation. And all of the research materials produced by Re-Technologist have been confiscated by the Intelligence division. And the Aile Chevalier, Blanche Neige, the NV units, the Fabularis, and anything related to them are all in Federation custody.

Josh: Yeah… It was bound to happen.

Clifford: The Ruina have been destroyed… but we don’t know what kind of long-term effects the Sympathia will have on John and Rim.

Rim: But that’s what Father… and Chris….

Josh: But now there’s no reason to risk you interacting with the Sympathia… And… if they’re destroyed, I won’t complain.

Viletta: But Major Gilliam… That’s not going to happen, is it?

Gilliam: Indeed… They are the Keys to repulsing the Ruina that Doctor Radcliffe made.

Rim: That means…

Gilliam: We’ll keep them safe.

Rim: That’s good….

Josh: But if you ride it…

Rim: I know, bro. I’m going to go make some coffee.

Josh: You don’t mean Cocoa?

Rim: Well… Ven liked bitter drinks, so….

Josh: I see….

Rim: You should come too, Laki. I’ll teach you how to make a good cup of coffee.

Glacies: Understood.

Rim: Major Gilliam, Captain Viletta, do you want any?

Gilliam: I’ll have to refuse. We’re headed for the Fabula Fores to meet with the investigators.

Viletta: I’ll take you up on it next time.


Rim: Well then…

Glacies: Yeah.


Clifford: …Josh, there’s something I need to talk with you about.

Josh: What is it?

Clifford: It’s about Glacies. Her latest test results came in a while ago. Judging from those…. She lacks any genes that can accommodate aging, so her body is breaking down. She… doesn’t have long to live.

Josh: !!

Clifford: I’d say maybe 3 years… Or maybe less.

Josh: Th-that’s…. that’s just like Ariel…. But still, she….

Clifford: Josh…. Glacies may have a body that looks a lot like ours, but it’s fundamentally different.

Josh: But still!

Clifford: It’s no use. Even if we put her in cryogenic sleep and hoped for the future to find an answer…

Josh: Wh-what? Isn’t there anything we can do?!

Clifford: ….

Josh: Cliff… I see….


Josh: ….

Rim: Bro, the coffee isn’t…

Josh: I’m sorry, Rim, could you give us a moment? I need to tell Laki something.

Rim: O-oh, sure.

Glacies: Josh… What is it?

Josh: well… I haven’t told Rim or Cliff yet…. But I asked Gilliam to let me join the Cross Gate investigation team. It came from the Fabula Fores my old man was researching. And the Ruina came from inside of it…. I… I feel like I have a responsibility to make sure nothing else bad happens because of the Cross Gate.

Glacies: I see…

Josh: If possible, I’d like to bring Rim and Cliff with me… Would you like to come as well?

Glacies: …. Isn’t it obvious?

Josh: …

Glacies: If you’re there, I’m there. You gave me a new way to live my life… So until my life runs out….

Josh: Laki…

Glacies: …Do you not want me there, Josh?

Josh: That’s not it…. I’ll be at your side. Always.

*it’s over you went the wrong way*


Previous Chapter: Chapter 60: Greatest of the Four Dragons                Chapter Index


[1] According to MarsDragon from the GameFAQs boards, this is a reference to Babel II and Giant Robo. Neat! Thanks to him for helping me unknot the Gordian challenge that is Mio's references.

[2] Lamia what the FUCK are you talking about

[3] I don’t quite get this.



[6] SPACE BUT WAITING SURE THING This is what she says, man. I don't know.