Previous Chapter: Chapter 2: Underworld Next Chapter: Chapter 4
Lune: Scouting on an enemy base from a mountain top… This is real old school[1] reconnaissance, eh?
Yang: Get your head down, Lune. The enemy will see you.
Ranshao, who is a fucking panther: Master.
Yang: I see you’re back.
Ranshao: Sir. There are no other squads in the area. If we can lead them out of the base, we can capture it easily.
Yang: Got it.
Lune: Wh-what’s that? A black panther?
Yang: It’s just a magical construct. Don’t worry about it.
Lune: I am worrying about it! And it talked! Oh… Wait, it’s a familiar?
Yang: Oh, so you know about those.
Lune: Well, I have seen Kuro and Shiro.
Ranshao: I am Ranshao. I’m a servant of Master Yang Long. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Lune: Thanks, Nice to meet you too. I guess there are familiars like you, too.
Ranshao: Yes. I’m based on a mystical beast from ancient China.
Yang: If the base only has that much firepower, we can finish this in one strike. Let’s go, Lune.
Lune: Okay!
Chapter 3: A Reunion with Beowulf
Elis: The Elemental Lord Granveil… You must have some nerve, walking in here like that.
Yang: If you value your lives, get out of the country now. With your lack of conviction and your Elementals, you can’t win against me.
Elis: Says a solider from the losing side! While you were lollygagging around, our armies already won!
Yang: Hmph. And since you’re that overconfident, you let your Elementals fall into disrepair.
Elis: How dare you!? I’ll rip you from your Elemental Lord, and present it to General Jesuha!
Yang: I see your greed has clouded your judgement.
Elis: Don’t you talk back to me! All units, commence the attack! Don’t let them near the base!
Yang: Lune, The enemy’s coming. Don’t slow me down!
Lune: That’s my line!
Chapter 3: A Reunion with Beowulf.
Victory: Defeat all enemies.
Defeat: Any allied unit is defeated.
SR Point: Defeat the Gildora. It will retreat if its HP falls below 4000.
*On Turn 2*
Ranshao: Master, there’s a robot coming our way. It doesn’t look like an Elemental!
Yang: So it’s a unit from the surface?
Lune: Ah! That’s!
*And in rolls Kyosuke, all nonchalant*
Kyosuke: As I thought, it’s the Valsione. But who’s the other unit?
Lune: Kyosuke! You were summoned to La Gias, too?
Kyosuke: La Gias? The underworld Masaki mentioned?
Lune: That’s right.
Kyosuke: …It seems we didn’t go directly back. So those two are also…
Lune: Huh? What do you mean?
Kyosuke: Don’t worry about it. I don’t quite understand the situation here. Who’s the robot you’re fighting alongside?
Lune: That’s the Elemental Lord Granveil. The pilot is Huang Yang Long, a friend of Masaki’s from La Gias.
Yang: Who’s he, Lune?
Lune: Lt. Kyosuke Nanbu from the Earth federation. He’s a friend from the surface. He also knew Masaki.
Kyosuke: I’d like to hear more details, but it seems it’s more important to end this battle first.
Lune: So it is. Could you help us out?
Kyosuke: Roger.
*Lune V Elis*
Elis: What’s with that mech?! Why is it so human?! What’s the point of making it look like a girl?!
Lune: I won’t forgive anyone who makes fun of my Valsione!
*Yang Long V Elis*
Elis: Even if it’s against the Granveil, if I can just get an advantage, I should be able to win!
Yang: Even if you somehow manage that, there’s no way you can beat me!
*She goes boom*
Elis: Grr, You bastards! I won’t forget this!
Ranshao: Master, all the enemy units have disappeared from the sensors.
Yang: With this, my current mission is completed. Lune, Lt. Kyosuke, you have my thanks.
Lune: You’re welcome.
Kyosuke: …Sorry to be abrupt, but I’d like an explanation of the situation.
Lune: Yeah… I also want to hear what happened to you.
*end battle*
Lune: So, you were separated from the Steel Dragons…
Kyosuke: It’s a long story, but I was working with Masaki and Ryuusei, and after that it seems I was teleported… or rather, summoned here.
Lune: It’s rare to see you three working together. So, Ryuusei and Masaki are probably here, too.
Kyosuke: Not just them. Considering who the gates have summoned so far, it’s possible our whole squad has been summoned.
Lune: Actually, I was thinking the same thing.
Kyosuke: At any rate, lets gather information.
Lune: Yeah, considering how we were called here out of the blue… Our friends might be in trouble.
Yang: I’d be happy to take you to our camp, but I won’t force you. There’s a lot of risk involved.
Lune: Well, if you say that, we have no choice BUT to go…
Kyosuke: You said your name was… Huang Yang Long. While we gather information about the people summoned from the surface, we’ll cooperate with you.
Yang: If you work with me, you won’t be able to avoid battles with Shutedonias.
Kyosuke: I understand. But I don’t intend to spend the rest of my days in this world.
Previous Chapter: Chapter 2: Underworld Next Chapter: Chapter 4: The Battle for Dank
[1] Analogue. I sorta get it, but don’t think it translates well.